Be seen in green with August's balancing peridot birthstone. Warning: may cause envy amongst your friends. And as we move into Virgo season, it's time for the Marie Kondos of jewellery box organisation to shine.
Shop the August Birthstone Edit

Green Light
In need of a little refresh? August is for balance, good fortune, and protection. Peridot's pale green tones are known for encapsulating the essence of nature (we love a good landscape), a meaningful gemstone said to bring a sense of renewal.
It's also associated with abundance and growth, making it a fitting birthstone for a month in the height of summer. Now that's hot stuff.

What is My Birthstone?
August not your month? Or maybe you've been so inspired you want to spread the good vibes? Give your month a whole new meaning with zodiac jewellery that bring all the good energy.
January - Garnet for love.
February - Amethyst for purity.
March - Aqua chalcedony for harmony.
April - Crystal quartz for healing.
May - Green chalcedony for purity.
June - Rainbow moonstone for new beginnings.
July - Ruby for protection and prosperity.
August - Peridot for balance.
September - Lapis for strength and courage.
October - Pink tourmaline for love and compassion.
November - Citrine for attracting prosperity and success.
December - Turquoise magnesite for calming.

What are August's Other Birthstones?
As well as peridot, August birthdays can stack up carnelian, sardonyx, and spinel. Tap into the orange jewellery trend with a confidence-boosting carnelian gemstone and its pale orange and deep red hues.
Sardonyx is another gemstone associated with August. It's extraordinarily unique with bands of vibrant red-brown sard and layers of white onyx, representing strength, protection, and courage. Then there's inspiration station spinel, associated with vitality and energy. Bring it into your life and there'll be positive vibes all round.

Be Seen in Green
Discover our green gems and jellies, from green chalcedony to mighty malachite.